Model for Fusion Cosmetics
Former personal assistant at Fusion Cosmetics
Former Face of Fusion model
Former personal assistant at Fusion Cosmetics
Former waitress at a diner
Former temp worker
Former prostitute
Apartment 2G in an unknown building with Frankie
Formerly on a yacht owned by Amanda Dillon
Formerly Center City, Pennsylvania
Married to Frankie Hubbard (Married: Mar 24, 2009)
Mother (deceased; died of cancer when Randi was 7)
Angela Hubbard (mother-in-law)
Jesse Hubbard (father-in-law)
Carmen Morales (foster sister)
Numerous foster families, none permanent
Unborn child (with Frankie; deceased)
Numerous "johns" during her time as a hooker
Henry North (affair)
Frankie Hubbard (lovers)
Arrested for soliciting an undercover cop, though she was only joking; charges were dropped [Jan 14, 2009]
Clobbered Henry North on the head with a bookend [Jul 6, 2009]
Obstruction of justice; removed Henry North's body from the scene of a crime, put him in a car, and sent the car over a cliff [Jul 2009]
Attacked Taylor while under the influence of drugs [Sep 18, 2009]
Sustained a concussion and serious head trauma after being beaten by her pimp [Jun 2008]
Drugged by Madison North [Sep 18, 2009]
Randi Morgan was first introduced as a patient at Pine Valley Hospital under the care of Dr. Frankie Hubbard. She had been found unconscious on the street, the victim of a savage beating. While the doctor was out of the room, Randi fled the hospital. Frankie assumed that Randi was in an abusive relationship. He was correct, but not in the way that he had thought. The person beating Randi, a man named Fletcher, wasn't her husband or boyfriend. Fletcher was her pimp.
Frankie tried to convince Randi to turn her life around instead of turning tricks, but his efforts to help her were repeatedly rejected. Finally, Frankie decided that the only way to talk to Randi was to speak in terms that she knew: he offered to buy an hour of her time. In a motel room, Frankie tried to probe Randi and find out why she had become a hooker. Slowly, Randi began to see a way out of her situation. Thanks to Frankie, Randi found a place to stay and a new job as a personal assistant at Fusion.
Though she previous rebuffed the offer, Randi became the Face of Fusion when Erica Kane offered Randi the job. It was an upswing in Randi's personal life. She had a fabulous new job, her relationship with Frankie was going well, and Randi was genuinely happy for the first time in a long time. That all came crashing down when pornographic videos and photographs of Randi surfaced on the Internet. Erica had no choice but to remove Randi as the Face of Fusion. Frankie, however, vowed to stand by Randi's side.
The relationship between Frankie and Randi became more serious when Frankie received deployment papers. Randi wanted to marry Frankie before he left for Iraq, so a justice of the peace performed the union on March 24, 2009. Brot Monroe was the best man, while Taylor Thompson, Natalia, Jesse, and Angie were guests. Angie had wanted to plan a big wedding, and Randi appreciated her efforts, but Randi and Frankie had opted for a simple ceremony instead.
Frankie stood by Randi when her past as a prostitute was revealed, and it began Randi's turn to stand by Frankie when his hands were crushed by a machine during an ambush. Due to the damage to his hands, his future as a surgeon was questionable. Randi flew to Germany to be with Frankie while he received treatment, but Frankie shut Randi out. She returned home when Frankie made it clear he did not want her there.
While Frankie recovered in Germany, District Attorney Henry North tried to resume his relationship with Randi, despite her claims she was happily married. When Randi was a prostitute, Henry had been one of her clients, and he had developed feelings for her. Henry used Randi's concern for Kendall Slater to persuade Randi into taking a trip out of town with him. Randi's boss, Kendall, was accused of the murder of Stuart Chandler, and Henry was determined to prosecute Kendall to the fullest extent of the law without searching for other suspects.
Per the deal, Randi agreed to meet Henry in Washington, DC, to discuss Kendall's case. In his hotel room, Henry asked Randi to give a relationship with him a chance, but when Randi refused, Henry forced himself on her. Randi defended herself and hit Henry over the head with a statue. She then exited the room, but returned later to find her earring. When Randi returned to the hotel room, she discovered Henry was dead. She called Jesse for help.
Jesse agreed to cover up what Randi had done on behalf of Frankie and his grandchild because Randi confided to Jesse that she was pregnant. Henry's widow, Madison, accused Jesse and Randi of covering up her husband's murder, and she constantly threatened to reveal what Randi had done. Angie and Frankie suspected Jesse and Randi were hiding something, but they put their suspicion aside and chose instead to focus on Randi's pregnancy. Frankie was thrilled to become a father, but his excitement turned to grief when Randi suffered a miscarriage.
Randi was devastated after her miscarriage, but she believed her prayers had been answered when she found an abandoned baby boy in the park. Randi immediately decided she and Frankie would keep the baby, though Frankie and his family believed they needed to notify the authorities a baby had been found. Randi threatened to confess what she had done to Henry North and Jesse's role in the cover-up if the Hubbards forced her to give up the baby. Randi considered taking the baby she had named Matthew on the run, but realized that would not be a good life for the child. The baby was returned to his mother, Amanda Martin.
Frankie and Randi's marriage remained rocky. Frankie began drinking, and he spent time with Madison at the casino. Frankie became the object of Madison's interest. Frankie rejected Madison, and Randi's marriage got back on track when Randi threatened to divorce Frankie. He returned to work at the hospital, as his hands had almost fully recovered. Randi attended the charity dance marathon with her husband, but Madison used the event to go after Frankie again. Madison drugged a water bottle meant for Frankie, but he unknowingly gave it to Randi. Under the influence of the tainted water, Randi confused Taylor for Madison in the bathroom at Confusion and attacked her. Taylor was fine.
Madison demanded that Frankie divorce Randi, or Madison would tell the truth about Henry's murder, but the Hubbard's suspected Madison had murdered her husband and allowed Randi to take the blame. After they confronted Madison with this information, she attempted suicide. Madison confessed she had killed her husband, and she opened up to Frankie about her past, including the abuse she had suffered from her father, James Beardsley. Frankie hid Madison from her father at his apartment. Randi was jealous of how Frankie protected Madison, so when Madison's father approached Randi, she told him where he could find his daughter. Randi regretted her decision when she learned of James abusive nature.
Randi eased up on her hatred of Madison after Madison survived being kidnapped by James. Randi suggested Madison apply for an entry-level position at Fusion, but Madison was hired to be Erica's personal assistant. Randi was upset that she was overlooked for the promotion, but slowly became friends with Madison. Randi was hesitant to believe Madison was not after Frankie, so she encouraged Madison to pursue a relationship with Ryan Lavery
Although Madison and Frankie swore their relationship was platonic, Randi was uncomfortable when she was out of town for Fusion business and Frankie allowed Madison to move in. Due to her new role at Fusion as a model, Randi was out of town more frequently, and she remained suspicious of Madison's intentions toward her husband. Randi's worries subsided when Madison revealed she was pregnant with Ryan's child. Randi supported Madison's decision to keep the baby.
Randi also supported her mother-in-law Angie when she revealed she was pregnant. Angie had developed an infection in her eyes after she treated a patient and was losing her eyesight. The medication that could prevent the blindness would harm the unborn child. Angie decided to protect the baby and give up her vision. Randi and Frankie respected Angie's decision and they both promised to help Angie and Jesse as much as possible when the baby arrived.
When Angie and Jesse's daughter was born, Randi admitted being around the new baby reminded her of the child she had miscarried. She remained hopeful someday she and Frankie would have a child of their own and in the meantime, she enjoyed spending time with Angie's child. Randi also reached out to Madison after Madison's daughter passed away shortly after she was born. Randi offered Madison a shoulder to cry on and she encouraged Madison's ideas for new product lines at Fusion.
Randi and Frankie celebrated Natalia's engagement to Brot and they had more reason to celebrate when they learned Angie's vision had been restored. The Hubbard family gathered together to toast all the good news and they also attended a party hosted by Adam Chandler to welcome home his brother Stuart. At the party, Angie commented that Randi seemed to be glowing and inquired if she was pregnant. Randi surprised everyone, including Frankie, with a response of "maybe." They continued to celebrate as a shot rang out.
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